
Sunday, August 7, 2011

How To Create MAtrix Effect Using Command Prompt (CMD)

If you love Matrix effect that is the falling of random numbers or letters top to down then here is a small trick to create your own matrix of numbers as well as alphabets of  different colors.

The things you need to do is :

1. Open Notepad. To open Go to RUN (windows+R) and type NOTEPAD.
2. Paste the following codes:
       @echo off
       color 02
       echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%       %random% %random%
      goto start

3.Save the file as anyname.bat (i.e. The batch file).
4.Just double click and press Alt+enter and its done.

To change the color of the matrix you have to change the color 02 to any other colors like color 0a, color 02, etc.

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